October, 2022
All About Vision – Something Which Should Never Feel Neglected
No matter how much you take care of your eyes, there are times when you are most likely to suffer
from at least one
common eye problems. It is essential to note that age plays a significant part in affecting the
eyes. The infant eye
problems are pretty different from that of growing teens, adults and senior citizens. At every
point of life, a person
is prone to get an eye disease which, if not treated at the right time, may prove to be very
harmful to the vision even
There are lots of common eye problems faced by Indians every now and then. Treating them on time
has high chance of
saving your eyes from something worse like permanent blindness. Here let discuss what are the
common eye problems, their
symptoms and cures.
Conjunctivitis is the most common eye disease and it is also known as pink eye. This situation causes illness of the eyeball and inner eyelid membrane. It can occur suddenly or gradually. It can even be long lasting in nature and causes a burning or itching sensation in the eye. The eye may also feel dry and heavy or sometimes the eyes tears constantly. It is classified into two types- Allergic Conjunctivitis and Bacterial Conjunctivitis, where Allergic Conjunctivitis can be treated and cured whereas Bacterial Conjunctivitis can’t be cured.
- Pink or Red colored eyes
- Swelling of conjunctiva or eyelids
- Increased tear production in the eyes
- Urge to rub the eyes constantly like there is foreign body in the eyes
- Crusting of eyelids and eye lashes
- Use cold compressor and artificial tears
- Do not wear your contact lenses until you on longer have symptoms of pink eye
- If pink eye continues for a prolonged period consult eye speciakist sooner
- Blurry vision
- Causing glaring in the eyes
- Trouble coping with bright lights
- If not treated in time, can cause blindness
Surgery to remove the cataract is currently the only treatment option available. During standard cataract surgery, the cloudy lens is replaced with a clear artificial lens. This is relatively a low-risk procedure and is frequently carried out.
Glaucoma occurs when increasing intra-ophthalmic fluid pressure leads to damage to the optic nerve of the eyes. It is one of the most common eye diseases that cause blindness in India. Many forms of glaucoma have no warning signs. The effect is so gradual that one may not notice a change in vision until the condition is at an advanced stage.
Open-Angle Glaucoma
- Patchy blind spots in your side (peripheral) or central vision, frequently in both eyes
- Tunnel vision in the advanced stages
Acute Angle-Closure Glaucoma:
- Eye Pain
- Severe Headache
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Halos around light
- Blurred vision
- Redness of eyes
Vision loss due to glaucoma is not curable. It is essential to diagnose it early, monitor it and take proper precautions carefully to secure as much vision as possible.
- Get regular dilated eye examinations
- Exercise safely
- Take prescribe eye drops regularly
Dry eye syndrome is one of the most common eye disorders. It is where your tear-ducts of eyes are incapable of producing enough tears to maintain a normal layer of fluid to coat your eye. Dry eyes occur if person do not produce enough tears or if they produce poor-quality tears. This tear instability leads to inflammation and damage of the eye’s surface.
- Redness of Eyes
- Sensitivity to light
- Stringy mucus in and around the eyes
- A burning and scratchy sensation in your eyes
- A sensation of a foriegn body in your eyes
- Fatigue eyes
- Frequent eyelid washing
- Use of over-the-counter eye drops which lubricate your eyes
- If the problem is chronic or long the term, consult an eye specialist for medication
- Use eye drops even if your eyes are fine if the problem is chronic
In Entropion eye disease, the inner edge of the eyelashes and eyelids get curled and lead to irritation of the cornea, along with pain and congestion. If this disorder is left untreated, it can cause damage to the cornea and leads to blindness.
- Feels like there is something in the eyes
- Eyes redness
- Sensitivity to light and wind
- Watery eyes or excessive tears
- Eyelid crusting
- Mucous discharge
Unfortunately, there is no cure. But treatment for Macular Degeneration may slow the disease and may keep you away from a severe loss of vision. Once you face symptoms related to Macular Degeneration, consult an eye specialist as soon as possible. Delaying these conditions won’t help.
- Manage other medical conditions like if you have cardiovascular or any other types of disease or high blood pressure follow your medications and doctor’s advices to keep it under control. there are certain health diseases which affect the eyes too.
- Do not smoke or at least try to smoke less because smokers are likely to develop Macular Degeneration than non smokers
- Maintain a healthy weight and exercise regularly
- Include fish in your diet. Fishes are always a medicine for eyes.
- Choose a diet which is full of vegetables and fruits.
If the eye problem is identified in time, it can be easily cured. Most of the eye problems can be found in the early stages or have their own symptoms. Visit an eye specialist as soon as you feel any of it or at least take proper preventive measures only if you are sure about it. Lots of common eye problems can be quickly taken care of with few precautions or some essential medicines which do not cause any harm to the eyes. However, if these types of disorders are not determined in their early stages, there can be severe repercussions. It is always better to cure it soon rather than taking it to a worst situation when there will be no options left except a very blurry sight or even sight loss.